Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Diegetic Sound- The dialogue, the punching, etc.
Non-Diegetic Sound- The popular music that plays when Rocky is running.

What is the THEME of this film?- Going the distance, making a name for yourself, etc.
Why was this film so well received in 1975-76?- Boxing was big back then. The soundtrack was also PERFECT for the film. So 70’s. The story was also really good. It showed you can be a winner without actually winning. 

Give at LEAST three examples of "Save the Cat" from this film. How do they relate to the Anti-Hero concept?- Some save the cat moments were when Rocky plays with the puppies in the store, when he goes up to that foul mouthed girl, and when he takes Adrian out on the date (ice skating specifically) it seemed like a save the cat moment to me. 

I actually don't know how I felt about Rocky. I liked it, but I didn't like Slyvester Stallone. His acting was just... ugh. But it was successful, and I could see why. I guess that's all that matters. I just really really didn't like the scene where Adrian and Rocky go back to Rocky's after the date, and he gives off some pretty negative vibes... like I sincerely thought he was going to rape her. But she suddenly changed her mind about him and started making out with him? That didn't seem realistic at all. Totally written by a man in the 70's who had no concept whatsoever about what rape looks like. 

Other than that. Good movie. I'd give it a 7.5/10. 

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